Supplier Events

Various organisations hold face-to-face events and training sessions throughout the year to support suppliers.  Some examples are given below, but it is a good idea to register with these organisations to ensure you receive up-to-date information on scheduled events.  You can also refer directly to public sector body websites on a regular basis to keep up-to-date. 

Some of these events and training sessions are free and some have a cost associated with them.

Sometimes supplier events will have a number of public sector bodies in attendance and available to speak with suppliers regarding opportunities in general, or regarding a specific large tender or project:

  • The Supplier Development Programme (SDP)  holds regular Meet the Buyer event, where procurement officers are on hand to meet suppliers and presentations are held on specific subjects;
  • Buyers may hold specific events regarding a tender or project e.g. City Deal.  For a specific tender they may hold a Supplier Day early in the process to gather more information to scope their procurement exercise.  Later on, a Supplier Day may be used to communicate more information on an upcoming tender to suppliers.